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Replacing Your Water Heater? Consider a Tankless Water Heater!

Is the water heater in your Riverside, CA, home not providing hot water when you want it? Perhaps you’ve noticed rust around the unit or pools of water stemming from a leak. If you need to replace your home’s water heater, consider installing a tankless model. Here are four benefits of ditching the tank and installing a tankless water heater instead:

Enjoy Hot Water Instantly

A tank water heater must heat the water in the tank before it can provide your home with hot water. On the other hand, tankless water heaters supply hot water instantly whenever you turn on the tap in your kitchen or bathrooms. What’s more, you’ll never run out of hot water like you would if you used all the hot water stored in a tank. Tankless water heaters don’t depend on reserved water to deliver hot water when you need it.

Tankless Last Longer Than Tank Water Heaters

With regular maintenance and repairs, a tank water heater will last about 10 years before it requires replacing. Tankless water heaters can last twice as long. Although you’ll pay more for a tankless water heater, the difference will pay for itself in no time.

Lower Monthly Energy Costs

Tankless water heaters also pay you back by using less energy to operate. Studies show you can save up to 25%, which translates to hundreds of dollars of annual savings.

Save Space in Your Home

Since they don’t require a tank for installation, tankless water heaters are smaller and less bulky than models that include tanks. You can install a tankless water heater by mounting it on a wall in nearly any space around your house.

Are you interested in learning more about tankless water heaters? Contact Magnolia Heating and Cooling. We offer tankless installation, repair and maintenance services.