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Referral Rewards

Our goal is to be your Family’s ONLY Air Conditioning & Heating Company Today, Tomorrow, & Forever!

You are our most important customer!

We want to celebrate a job well done, by sending you and a guest to dinner.

Have you told your friends and family, you recently had a Repair / Service or installed a new Comfort System in your home?

Magnolia wants to be sure that when you talk about your HVAC system installation or repair that you are proud to say we are the company you used.

…and THAT is why you are our MOST important customer!

When your friends and/or family call our office if they mention your name, we will know we did the job right!

To celebrate a job done right, we will send you a gift card to a local restaurant to have dinner on us.

Ask our Tech for the Details!

Magnolia Heating & Cooling wants to be sure we reached your expectations!

We want you to be 100% satisfied with the decision to do business with our company.