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4 Signs of Poor Attic Insulation at Home

Odds are you don’t spend a lot of time in your attic. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore this space in your Moreno Valley, California, home, especially when it comes to insulation. It’s important to notice these four signs of poor attic insulation so you can prevent heat from escaping, cold air from entering and unwanted animals from relocating.

Cold Spots

During the winter months, you might notice cold spots in specific areas of your home. If you notice cold air entering your home through gaps around window frames and doorways, you can add caulk and weatherstripping to fix the problem.

However, you might have a room that’s just colder than the rest of the house but doesn’t have any drafts. Adding proper insulation to your attic can prevent heat loss in this situation.

High Energy Bills

Your blown-in insulation might settle in the attic over the years, causing the insulation to be less effective. It could lead to areas not protected from cold temperatures and extreme temperature shifts in your home. As a result, your HVAC system might work overtime. Look at your home’s energy bills in the last few years to determine if you have unexpected increases.

Unwanted Critters

Most people don’t want insects and rodents in their homes. These critters can enter your home through tiny gaps in the house, especially in the attic. Adding insulation in the attic can act as a barrier. As a result, it can prevent these invasive creatures from entering your living space.

Frozen Pipes

Freezing temperatures are rare in Riverside. But if the pipes in your walls freeze, it might signal that your attic isn’t properly insulated. When the outside temperatures dip, the pipes shouldn’t freeze. If they do, you run the risk of the pipes bursting, which can lead to expensive repair work.

Approximately 90 percent of U.S. homes are under-insulated. Properly insulating your attic can save on heating and energy costs as well as keep temperatures inside your home comfortable. Contact Magnolia Heating and Cooling at 951-595-4737 to have our team conduct an attic insulation inspection today.

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